초록접수 현황
검색결과 7건 |
발표번호 | 초록제목 | 발표자 | 책임저자 |
Video15_비디오 | Single-port VATS thymectomy using a subxiphoid approach for thymoma located at superior mediastinum | sukki cho | sukki cho |
Video16_비디오 | Robot-assisted right upper lobectomy with bronchoplasty using continuous barbed sutures (2-ports, 3-arms) | Jun Hee Lee | Hyun Koo Kim |
Video17_비디오 | Single port, single stich, and two wedge | Dohun Kim | Dohun Kim |
초청강연 | Endoscopic Lumbar Sympathectomy with Re-do endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy | 문덕환 | |
초청강연 | Esophageal mobilization using robotic single port system for laryngo-esophagectomy and gastric pull-up | 박성용 | |
초청강연 | Lung Transplantation Procedure in Asan Medical Center | 최세훈 | |
초청강연 | VATS double sleeve resection of LUL due to accidental division of interlobar pulmonary artery | 성용원 |