초록접수 현황

검색결과 9
발표번호 초록제목 발표자 책임저자
(MO)163_짧은구연 How should we treat the stenotic aortic valve disease with borderline ascending aorta aneurysm? concomitant aortic surgery versus aortic valve replacement alone Jae Woong Choi Kyung Hwan Kim
(MO)164_짧은구연 Respiratory complications after aortic surgery in patients with pectus excavatum and Marfan syndrome Ilkun Park Kiick Sung
(MO)165_짧은구연 Long-term implication of emergency versus elective cardiovascular surgery in Marfan syndrome Suryeun Chung Kiick Sung
(MO)166_짧은구연 Is Bilateral Cerebral Perfusion Protective on the Left Cerebral Hemisphere during Open Arch Repair? :Diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging study Chee-hoon Lee Chee-hoon Lee
(O)167_일반구연 Severity of aortic arch atherosclerosis and stroke after open repair of descending or thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm Jung-Hwan Kim Hyun-Chel Joo
(O)168_일반구연 Residual Chronic DeBakey IIIb Aortic Dissection after Surgical Repair for Acute Aortic Dissection or Intramural Hematoma Wan Kee Kim Suk-Won Song, MD, PhD
(MO)169_짧은구연 The Role of False Lumen Area Ratio in Late Aortic Events after Open Repair of Non-Syndromic Acute Type I Aortic Dissection Jung-Hwan Kim Hyun-Chel Joo
(MO)170_짧은구연 Thoracoabdoinal aorta replacement : Review of single-surgeon experience with 32 cases Sung Sil Yoon Kwang Jo Cho
(MO)171_짧은구연 Long-term Outcomes of Open Repair for Ruptured Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm – 12 Years Experience in Single center Chong Hoon Kim Suk-Won Song