발표번호 |
초록제목 |
발표자 |
책임저자 |
E-Poster 01 |
Trends in Off-pump versus On-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Korea
: Analysis based on the Korean National Health Insurance Database from 2014 to 2019 |
Jae Jin Lee |
Jae Jin Lee |
E-Poster 02 |
Application of a portable home ventilator for treating flail chest after cardiopulmonary resuscitation: A case report |
Young Uk Lee |
Young Uk Lee |
E-Poster 03 |
Influence of gender in postoperative complications for lung cancer |
Lee Hyun Jae |
Jong Ho Cho |
E-Poster 04 |
The effect of visceral pleural invasion on the prognosis of patients with T2aN0 non-small cell lung cancer |
Wongi Woo |
Sungsoo Lee |
E-Poster 05 |
Hee Kyung Kim |
Hyung Joo Park |
E-Poster 06 |
Expression profiles of transcriptomes for ascending aorta aneurysm in bicuspid aortic valve: a pilot study |
Yoonjin Kang |
Kyung Hwan Kim |
E-Poster 07 |
Ross-Konno procedure following fetal and neonatal balloon aortic valvuloplasty in an infant with congenital aortic stenosis and left ventricular dysfunction |
Hyun Ah Lim |
Cheul Lee |
E-Poster 08 |
Risk factors for structural deterioration of surgically implanted bioprosthetic aortic valve |
Chan Beom Park |
Chan Beom Park |
E-Poster 09 |
Epidemiology of pneumothorax using data from National Health Insurance Service |
Mi Kyung Bae |
Mi Kyung Bae |
E-Poster 10 |
Development of small airway chip using 3D printing system for evaluating toxic aerosol |
Kuk Hui Son |
Kuk Hui Son |
E-Poster 11 |
Drug-induced-thrombocytopenia of post-traumatic patient |
Jaebeom Jeon |
Do Wan Kim |
E-Poster 12 |
Successful surgical treatment of tracheo-innominate artery fistula |
Ju Sik Yun |
Sang Yun Song |
E-Poster 13 |
Lung Cancer Surgery for Patients of heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: Clinical outcomes and long-term survival results |
Min Soo Kim |
Jong Ho Cho |
E-Poster 14 |
Is a pericardial drainage catheter necessary in minimal invasive cardiac surgery? |
Seong Woo Kang |
Woo Sung Jang |
E-Poster 16 |
Re-evaluation of clinicoradiologic features and pathologic invasiveness in small subsolid nodules |
Dae Hyeon Kim |
Woohyun Jung |
E-Poster 17 |
Cannulation site Management with Vacuum-Assisted Therapy for Pediatric patient who received left ventricular assist device (Berlin Heart EXCOR® Pediatric) implantation |
Shin Kim |
Ji-Hyuk Yang |
E-Poster 18 |
Comparisons of postoperative cardiac enzyme according to various CABG strategy |
Yoo Jin Jung |
Jun Sung Kim |
E-Poster 19 |
A Rare Case of Primary Pulmonary Ewing Sarcoma |
Sangil Yun |
Hyeon Jong Moon |
E-Poster 20 |
Intrathoracic tracheal glomus tumor resection using an elongated small endotracheal tube. |
Na Hyeon Lee |
Hyo Yeong Ahn |
E-Poster 21 |
Thrombus of ascending aorta managed with anticoagulation during FOLFOX treatment against advanced gastric cancer |
Hong Ju Shin |
Hong Ju Shin |