숙박 안내

ITMIG 2018 Headquarter

Grand Walkerhill Hotel

04963) 177 Wakerhill-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Korea
Please fill out the Regervation Form, and send it to “reservations@walkerhill.com

Download Regervation Form Go to the Walkerhill

Hotel Special Room Rates
Grand Walkerhill Seoul Deluxe : KRW 278,300
Vista Walkerhill Seoul Deluxe : KRW 326,700
An official in charge
Ms. Anny Park
Tel +82-2-2022-0000 | Fax +82-2-2022-0567 | E-mail : reservations@walkerhill.com

Other Hotel

Hankang Hotel

An official in charge Mr Park Dae-up
Tel +82-2-453-5131
Fax +82-2-453-5130
E-mail hankang@hankanghotel.co.kr
Address 147, 78 Gil, Achasan-Ro, Kwang Jin-Ku, Seoul