초록접수 현황

검색결과 5
발표번호 접수번호 초록제목 발표자 책임저자
구연 083 18F-058 Impact of Multidisciplinary Heart Failure Team on Midterm Outcome of Heart Transplantation
지정토론 : 윤영남(연세대학교 세브란스병원)
Yang Hyun Cho Yang Hyun Cho
구연 084 18F-111 Preoperative Screening Tool for Nutritional Status to Relate with Early Morbidity and Mortality in Adult Cardiac Surgery Seok In Lee Kuk Hui Son
구연 085 18F-110 Serial Measurement of Immune Cells in Patients with Aortic Dissection Kyo Seon Lee In Seok Jeong
구연 086 18F-203 The Clinical Outcomes of VA ECMO for Patients with AMI Complicated by Cardiac Arrest due to Left Main Coronary Artery Occlusion. Hyoung Soo Kim Hyoung Soo KIm
구연 087 18F-057 The Effect of Supplemental Cardioplegia Infusion Before Anastomosis in Patients With Long Cold Ischemic Time Hong Rae Kim Sung Ho Jung