초록접수 현황
검색결과 5건 |
발표번호 | 접수번호 | 초록제목 | 발표자 | 책임저자 |
구연 083 | 18F-058 | Impact of Multidisciplinary Heart Failure Team on Midterm Outcome of Heart Transplantation 지정토론 : 윤영남(연세대학교 세브란스병원) |
Yang Hyun Cho | Yang Hyun Cho |
구연 084 | 18F-111 | Preoperative Screening Tool for Nutritional Status to Relate with Early Morbidity and Mortality in Adult Cardiac Surgery | Seok In Lee | Kuk Hui Son |
구연 085 | 18F-110 | Serial Measurement of Immune Cells in Patients with Aortic Dissection | Kyo Seon Lee | In Seok Jeong |
구연 086 | 18F-203 | The Clinical Outcomes of VA ECMO for Patients with AMI Complicated by Cardiac Arrest due to Left Main Coronary Artery Occlusion. | Hyoung Soo Kim | Hyoung Soo KIm |
구연 087 | 18F-057 | The Effect of Supplemental Cardioplegia Infusion Before Anastomosis in Patients With Long Cold Ischemic Time | Hong Rae Kim | Sung Ho Jung |