초록접수 현황

검색결과 15
발표번호 접수번호 초록제목 발표자 책임저자
포스터 01 20F-018 Case Report: Successful Management of ASD with PAH Younggi Jung Hong Ju Shin
포스터 02 20F-074 Mitral Valve Myxoma in a Child 나혜림 Cheul Lee
포스터 03 20F-195 Aortic Valve Repair in Young Patients with Aortic Regurgitation: a Single Patch Design for Leaflet Extension Jooncheol Min Woong-Han Kim
포스터 04 20F-025 Incidental Diagnosis of Cor Triatriatum in an Adult with Mitral Regurgitation Sun Kyun Ro Sun Kyun Ro
포스터 05 20F-070 A comparison of clinical outcomes in patients undergoing bioprosthetic mitral valve replacement : Carpentier-Edwards Magna Mitral Ease valve versus PERIMOUNT Plus valve Seung Woo Ryu Sung-Ho Jung
포스터 06 20F-098 Experience of microsurgical training with heterotopic abdominal heart transplantation in rat model In-Seok Jeong Kyo-Seon Lee
포스터 07 20F-107 Salvage resection for local failure after stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for pulmonary malignancies Eun Chae Kim Samina Park
포스터 08 20F-027 Efficacy of Iopamidol for Sealing Injured Thoracic Duct: Experiments in a Large Animal Ho Seong Cho Hyo Yeong Ahn
포스터 09 20F-003 Evaluation of zone 2 thoracic endovascular aortic repair performed with and without prophylactic embolization of the left subclavian artery in patients with blunt traumatic aortic injury Miju Bae Miju Bae
포스터 10 20F-078 A Patient with Acute Fulminant Myocarditis Survives After Prolonged ECMO Support: A Case Report Jeong In Hong Hong Ju Shin
포스터 11 20F-099 Measurement of ventriculoarterial coupling as predictor of effective extracorporeal membrane oxygenation support in septic animal model In-Seok Jeong In-Seok Jeong
포스터 12 20F-212 Clinical Outcome of Pericardial Window Formation for Intractable Pericardial Effusion Sung Min Kim Yang Hyun Cho
포스터 13 20F-211 Efficacy of Antibiotic solution with vancomycin in patient with post-pneumonectomy bronchopleural fistula treated by Amplatzer Septal-Occluder device Soo Jin Lee Hyo Yeong Ahn
포스터 14 20F-210 Thoracoscopic Right Middle Lobe Lateral Segmentectomy: Case Report of 2 Cases Sun-Geun Lee Dae Hyun Kim
포스터 15 20F-207 Stroke in Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: Risk Factors and Clinical Outcomes 김하림 Yang Hyun Cho