초록접수 현황

16F-289 포스터 발표

Pericardial Window Operation using the 1 cm Length’s Single Port VATS Incision
Jiyun Lee, Seokbeom Hong, Hangjun Choi, Kyung Soo Kim
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, The Catholic University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Background : Video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) for pericardial window operation is widely performed and has been demonstrated its feasibility in treatment for patients with pericardial effusion with less invasiveness. Thus, we introduced a minimally invasive technique of single port VATS window operation through 1cm incision.

Methods : A 62 years old male complained of dyspnea who have lung cancer with stage IIIA. The chest CT and echocardiography is corresponding with moderate amount of pericardial effusion. Under a general anesthesia, the patient was placed in the supine position with left arm were hung overhead with the arm slings, and the pad was packed below the back. After draping, a 1.0 cm minimal lengths' skin incision was made at the 7th ICS at the mid-axillary line. Thoracoscopic exploration was conducted using a 5 mm-30° thoracoscope and peicardiostomy was performed using a hook electrocautery. Yellowish, serous effusion was drained and 16 Fr. tube was placed into the pericardium through the uniport followed by anchoring using barbed suture material.

Results : The operation time took 25 minutes without any intra-operative event. The whole procedure was possible without additional working incision. The drainage tube was removed on the postoperative day 4 and the patient discharged on the postoperative day 5 without complication.

Conclusion : Pericardial window operation followed by barbed suture anchoring method for tube placement through the 1 cm length’s uniportal incision is a feasible technique.

책임저자: Kyung Soo Kim
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, The Catholic University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
발표자: Jiyun Lee, E-mail : waspent10c@gmail.com

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