The Fate of Aortic Valve after Doubly Commiitted Juxtaarterial Ventricular Septal Defect Repair
Hanna Jung, Young Ok Lee, Joon Yong Cho
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Kyungpook National University Hospital, Kyungpook National University College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea
Background : In patients with doubly commiitted juxtaarterial ventricular septal defect(DCJA VSD), postoperative fate of the aortic valve remains unclear. Postoperative progression of aortic regurgitation(AR) sometimes occur despite early operation before the development of AR. This review is to identify the incidence and predictors of late AR progression after VSD repair. And to find out the timing for VSD repair with or without right coronary cusp(RCC) prolapse or AR.
Methods : From 2002 to 2013, medical records of 93 patients who underwent DCJA VSD repair alone at our hospital were reviewed. Preoperative evaluation showed 21 patient had RCC prolapse and 14 had AR. Among 14 patients, 4 had mild AR and no patients had more than moderate. Operative approach was through the pulmonary artery in all patients.
Results : Operative survival was 100%. The mean follow up period after VSD repair was 8.3 years. Among 93 patients, 7 patients showed postoperative progressive AR and 86 patients did not. The incidence of postoperative VSD leakage was 3.2%. Of the 93 patients with long-term echo follow up, 4 had RCC prolapse, 4 had faint AR and 3 had mild AR, 2 had moderate AR. AR was improved in 28 patients.
Conclusion : Among patients with DCJA VSD, the incidence of late AR progression after VSD repair was much lower than expected in our study. Early operation and low incidence of residual VSD shunt may be the keys to preventing progressive AR. In the present study, most patients underwent VSD repair at the age of < 3years when had no more than faint AR. A few patients had postoperative residual VSD shunt. Regrettably, having few patients with late AR progression after VSD repair, is was unable to analysis the risk factors of late AR progression.
책임저자: Young Ok Lee
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Kyungpook National University Hospital, Kyungpook National University College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea
발표자: Hanna Jung, E-mail :