The New Method of Skin Closure and Pleural Drainage using ZipLineⓇ and Flexible Silicon Drain in Single Port VATS Wedge Resection.
Jinwook Hwang, Byung-Ju Min, Won-Min Jo, Jae Seung Shin
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Korea University Ansan Hospital, Korea University College of Medicine, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
목적 : We tried to evaluate the new skin closure and pleural drainage method using sutureless skin closure device and silicone drainage tube.
방법 : From September, 2014 to May, 2016, we applied the new method which used 8cm sized ZipLineⓇ and flexible silicon drain tube instead of conventional chest tube insertion and skin suture in single port VATS wedge resections for bleb resection and lung biopsy. The length of single wound was around 1.7 cm. Figure 1 shows the new method of skin closure and pleural drainage.
We managed pleural drainage using water seal and continuos suction. In analysis of result, we reviewed diagnosis, gender, age, body weight, operation site, post operative drainage day, drainage amount at extubation, post operative pneumothorax, continuous air leak, wound inflammation, wound dehiscence, keloid formation.
결과 : In 41 out of 166 patients, the new method was applied during the period. Male patients were 24. In proportion of disease, primary spontaneous pneumothorax was 13, interstitial lung disease, 25,and other disease,3.
The median post operative pleural drainage days was 1 day, and mean amount of pleural drainage was 70ml. There was no post operative pneumothorax, no prolonged air leak, no unexpected extuation, no post operative bleeding, no pneumothorax after removal of drain tube. In out patient department examination, there was no wound problem except 1 keloid formation. Figure 2. shows the wound at 10 days after removal of tube.
결론 : The present study has many limitations. We did not perform an abrasion of pleura in bleb resection, and we did not applied the new method in patients who had severe pleural adhesion and massive intraoperative air leak. Nevertheless, this limitations, this new method showed no complications during post operative days compared with conventional suture and drainage methods. So, we think that it could be applied in selected cases without difficulties.

책임저자: Jinwook Hwang
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Korea University Ansan Hospital, Korea University College of Medicine, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
발표자: Jinwook Hwang, E-mail :