A Comparative Analysis of Long-term Outcome of Thymoma between Video-assisted Surgery and Open Resection From Multi-center Study Data
황수경¹, 이강훈¹, 복진산¹, 최세훈¹, 김형렬¹, 김용희¹, 박승일¹, 황유화², 박인규², 강창현², 김영태², 김석³, 이진희³, 조종호³, 김홍관³, 최용수³, 김진국³, 조재일³, 심영목³, 남경식⁴, 변고은⁴, 이창영⁴, 이진구⁴, 김대준⁴, 김동관¹
울산대학교 의과대학 서울아산병원 흉부외과학교실¹, 서울대학교 의과대학 서울대학교병원 흉부외과학교실², 성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 흉부외과학교실³, 연세대학교 의과대학 세브란스병원 흉부외과학교실⁴
Background : To compare the oncologic results between video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery and open resection in early and locally advanced thymomas from multi-center study database.
Methods : Data from 1546 participants in the Korean Association for Research on the Thymus were used to analysis for video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery(VATS) versus open resection from January 2003 to December 2013. We performed propensity score matching analysis for the outcomes of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery versus thoracotomy lung resection (based on age, gender, MG symptom, tumor size, WHO histologic type, receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy).
Results : We excised the thymoma using VATS in 513 patients, while 1033 patients underwent open procedures. There were not significant differences between the 2 groups for the 5-year overall survival (p=.61), recurrence-free survival (p=.25), and complete resection (p=.38). The operative times, the hospital stay duration, and the chest tube indwelling time were significantly shorter in the VATS group compared to in the open group. Median follow-up duration was 50.13 months (IQR 26.61-79.60). The Masaoka-Koga stage was I/II/III, IV in 556/604/384 patients, respectively. We analyzed on the basis of propensity score matching. There were no significant difference in survival rate (48.39% vs. 36.05%), recur-free survival (58.06% vs. 52.33%), and R0 resection (100% vs. 94.19) between 3 groups.
Conclusion : Patients undergoing VATS thymectomy had shorter the operative time and the hospital stay duration. Moreover, survival rate and recurrence-free survival are equivalent between VATS and open resection. Therefore, video-assisted thoracosopic surgery is feasible approach for early and locally advanced stage thymoma.
책임저자: 김동관
울산대학교 의과대학 서울아산병원 흉부외과학교실
발표자: 황수경, E-mail : victorylina@naver.com