초록접수 현황

16F-189 Video session발표

Rusanov Technique for Distal Esophageal Cancer in a Patient with a History of Subtotal Gastrectomy
Kwanyong Hyun, Chang Hyun Kang, Samina Park, Yoohwa Hwang, Hyun Joo Lee, In Kyu Park, Young Tae Kim
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Background : A Rusanov technique in esophagoplasty could be applied in patients after subtotal gastrectomy with the aim of improving the circulation in the fundus of the gastric transplant.

Methods : Colonic or jejunal transplant is usually used for esophageal reconstruction in patients after distal gastrectomy. But the use of remnant stomach in esophagoplasty appears to be interesting. This type of technique was firstly reported by A.A. Rusanov in 1954. We hereby presents a case of esophagectomy via left thoracotomy in a patient with a history of subtotal gastrectomy and billoth II reconstruction.

Results : We performed esophageal replacement with the gastric transplant having efferent and afferent jejunal loop. The procedure was accompanied with en-block mobilization of spleen and pancreatic tail, which was subsequently transposed into the left pleural cavity.

Conclusion : This type of esophageal replacement is currently adopted in China in the form of SWEET operation. It is reproducible and straightfoward as seen in our case. Other reports need to be documented to demonstrate the advantages of the technique in the long term.

책임저자: Chang Hyun Kang
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Seoul National University Hospital, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
발표자: Kwanyong Hyun, E-mail : pipedragon@gmail.com

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