초록접수 현황

16F-187 포럼 발표

Clinical Impacts of Blood Transfusion on Trauma Patients
Young Uk Lee, Jang Hoon Lee, Jong Hyun Baek
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Yeungnam University Medical Center, Yeungnam University College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea

Background : Anemia is a common problem and a potent risk factor for mortality and morbidity in trauma patients. But recently, a lot of controversy reported about the benefit of transfusion. So we studied the effects of blood transfusion to complications or mortality of trauma patients.

Methods : This survey was conducted by reviewing 87 patients admitted to single medical center with multiple trauma combined with chest injury. We divided patients into transfusion group and no transfusion group. We analyzed general characteristics of all patient and compared trauma type, combined injury, severity score, complications and mortality rate between two group.

Results : Among the included 87 patients, 63 were male and 24 were female. General characteristics, trauma type, severity score, total complication and mortality were not significantly different. The occurrence of acute respiratory distress syndrome was significantly higher in transfusion group. Also the change of systemic inflammatory response syndrome score was significant after transfusion

Conclusion : Mortality rate was quite higher in transfusion group but not statistically significant. Acute respiratory distress syndrome was higher in transfusion group and systemic inflammatory response syndrome score was increased after transfusion significantly. So we can assume that increase of acute respiratory distress syndrome occurrence and systemic inflammatory response after transfusion affect to mortality.

책임저자: Jong Hyun Baek
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Yeungnam University Medical Center, Yeungnam University College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea
발표자: Young Uk Lee, E-mail : romio206@naver.com

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