초록접수 현황

16F-152 구연 발표

Best Quality Repair of Pectus Excavatum: The Cross Bar & Bridge Technique
Hyung Joo Park, Kyung Soo Kim, Young Kyu Moon, Mi Hyoung Moon, Min Namkoong, Jiyun Lee, Hyo Chan Ahn
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, The Catholic University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Background : We propose a new method of pectus bar placement for pectus excavatum repair. The cross-bar technique has a great potential because it is designed to settle the bar at the promontory of the depression and covers wider lateral chest wall areas to remodel. The bridge fixation of the crossbars are for the most secure bar stabilization.

Methods : We placed two bars so that they crossed on the target. The singularity of this modus operandi is the lifting forces of the two bars converge on the bull's eye. Besides, the second bar promotes the further elevation of the resistant and inflexible chest wall depression. Additional effect of the cross bars is to cover more lateral chest wall even lower than the level of the xiphoid. The bars are fixed at the tips by their connection to the bridge plate (the bridge technique), which is proven to make the bars unrotatable.

Results : We operated on 34 patients using the cross-bar technique between January 2016 and August 2016. The mean age of the patients was 17.8 years old (range: 8 to 42 years). The indications for this technique were very acute focal xiphoid depressions in 4, inflexible focal chest wall depression in 3, bilateral costal depressions lower than the sternum in 4, reoperation cases that were unable to accommodate the bar accurately on the target in 3 patients, and long deformities with Grand Canyon type. There were no bar displacement cases or other complications occurred during or after the operation.

Conclusion : The cross bar/bridge technique is inspiring by enabling the pectus bar to stay precisely on the target without any shake. The crossed bars pinpoint all the forces to a single spot and include entire chest wall into the repair.

책임저자: Hyung Joo Park
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, The Catholic University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
발표자: Hyung Joo Park, E-mail : hyjpark@catholic.ac.kr

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