Relationship between Coronary Disease and Anatomical Classification of the Cardiac Veins
Su Wan Kim¹, Joon Hyouk Choi²
¹Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, ²Department of Cardiology, Jeju National University Hospital, Jeju National University College of Medicine, Jeju, Korea
Background : We try to analyze the classification of cardiac vein distribution in a large number of patients who had coronary CT, and to confirm whether this distribution has been influenced by coronary artery diseases.
Methods : 988 patients were analyzed using coronary CT, and cardiac vein was observed from coronary sinus (CS) layer to papillary muscle layer in 4 chamber view. Middle cardiac vein (MCV) was defined as a branch closest to CS and located at the posterior interventricular sulcus. Posterior cardiac vein (PCV) was defined as a branch which came out before observing cardiac papillary muscles and left marginal cardiac vein (LMCV) was a branch which came out after observing cardiac papillary muscles.
Results : Type A included the patients who had MCV, PCV, and LMCV, Type B included the patients who had MCV and PCV, Type C included the patients who had MCV and LMCV, and Type D included the patients who had only MCV. Only considering the vessels over 2.0 mm which enable catheterization, Type A was 192 (19.4%), Type B was 404 (40.9%), Type C was 284 (28.7%), and Type D was 108 (10.9%) (See the figure).
The diameters of CS, MCV, PCV, and LMCV had no differences between revascularization and non-revascularization (CS, 11.4±2.5 vs. 11.6±2.9, p=0.603; MCV, 4.7±1.2 vs. 4.6±1.1, p=0.576; PCV, 3.0±0.9 vs. 2.9±1.0, p=0.517; LMCV, 2.5±0.8 vs. 2.6±0.8, p=0.396)
Conclusion : Classification of cardiac vein distribution was able to be analyzed in the large population and there were no relations between coronary artery diseases and cardiac vein distribution.

책임저자: Su Wan Kim
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Jeju National University Hospital, Jeju National University College of Medicine, Jeju, Korea
발표자: Su Wan Kim, E-mail :