Pre-operative Corticosteroid use and Early Postoperative Bronchial Anastomotic Complication after Lung Transplantation
Ha-Eun Kim, Won Gi Woo, Ha Eun Kim, Hyun Geun Cho, Hyo Chae Paik, Jin Gu Lee
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Background : After lung transplantation, airway anastomotic complication is closely related to mortality and morbidity. Although there are several factors related to airway complication, pre-operative regular corticosteroid use is thought to one of them. High dose use of corticosteroid use is classified to relative contraindication for lung transplantation. In this study, we analyzed early postoperative bronchial anastomotic complication regard to pre-operative steroid use.
Methods : We analyzed 65 medical records of single and bilateral lung transplant recipients from 2014 to 2015 in out institution. Forty recipients (Steroid group) received regular daily corticosteroids within 1 month prior to lung transplantation.
Results : Among the recipients, major disease categories were IPF (50%, 33/66), BO(17%, 11/66) and ILD(17%, 11/66). And 73% of BO and ILD patients were on pre-operative steroid treatment. In steroid group, mean steroid maintenance period was 12 months and mean dose was prednisolone 60mg/day (range 5 to 156). Mean follow up duration was 354days and there were four rightside broncho-pleural fistulae (BPF) confirmed by bronchoscopy, one in non-steroid group and three in steroid group. There was no statistical difference in hospital stay, ICU stay, and pre- and post-operative FEV1. Also, there were no differences in post-operative survival(p=0.651), and post-operative airway anastomotic complication rate(p=0.543) between steroid and non-steroid group.
Conclusion : Many lung transplant recipients are on steroid treatment because of primary disease aggravation, However, pre-operative steroid use is not related to adverse outcome in survival and airway anastomotic complication rate
책임저자: Jin Gu Lee
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
발표자: Ha-Eun Kim, E-mail :