A Life-threatening Bronchogenic Cyst
Sung Joon Han, Hao Jun Cui, Roknuggaman, Hyun Jin Cho, Min-Woong Kang, Jae Hyeon Yu, Myung Hoon Na, Shin Kwang Kang
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Chungnam National University Hospital, Chungnam National University College of Medicine, Daejeon, Korea
목적 : A 49-year-old female patient came to our hospital, with complains of palpitation and shortness of breath lasting for five days. The chest radiography showed an enlarged cardiac silhouette. On echocardiography, a very large cystic mass compressed left atrium posteriorly and huge amount of pericardial effusion caused a diastolic collapse of the ventricles that is consistent with cardiac tamponade. The computed tomography scan of the chest revealed (9 x 5) cm sized, round, well-marginated, and homogeneous cystic mass on the subcarinal area. The cyst compressed the left atrium, left main bronchus and displaced the pulmonary veins. Tachycardia and dyspnea were exacerbated, blood pressure is decreased and atrial fibrillation was found. So, we performed emergency thoracotomy.
방법 : The cyst was radically resected except a part of the cyst wall which was attached to the great vessels. There was no connection between the cyst and the pericardial cavity. Post -operative pericardial effusion analysis revealed transudate and no organism was found.
결과 : It was a bronchogenic cyst on the basis of pathological evaluation. There is no recurrence of the cyst and pericardial effusion was observed in this patient during the five-year follow-up.
결론 : A bronchogenic cyst causing cardiac tamponade is a rare condition. In this reported case, a large amount of pericardial effusion can be occurred because of the mass effect on the heart rather than a cyst rupture into the pericardial cavity.

책임저자: Shin Kwang Kang
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Chungnam National University Hospital, Chungnam National University College of Medicine, Daejeon, Korea
발표자: Sung Joon Han, E-mail : hansungjoon@cnuh.co.kr