Prognostic Significance of Visceral Pleural Invasion in Pathologic Stage I NSCLC
Seon-hyun Hwang, Chi Hoon Bae, Wook Su Ahn, Ki Sung Park
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Daegu Catholic University Medical Center, Daegu Catholic University College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea
Background : Visceral pleural invasion(VPI) in stage I is well known to have prognostic impact and may benefit from adjuvant therapy.
The goal of this study was to evaluate the prognostic effect of VPI according to tumor size in stage I NSCLC.
Methods : This study was retrospectively analysed VPI impact on disease free survival(DFS) tumor size ≤3cm and >3 to 5cm in patients with curative resection stage I NSCLC from 1995 to 2014.
Results : The median follow up period was 53.8 months, the number of patients was 172.
Incidence of VPI was 24.4%(42/172).
There were 106 cases, 21.7%(23/106) VPI presence in tumor size ≤3cm and 66 cases, 28.8%(19/66) VPI presence in tumor size >3 to 5cm, respectively.
The DFS of size ≤3cm without VPI was not significant, compared with VPI(p=0.281).
But, the DFS of size >3 to 5cm without VPI was significantly higher than that with VPI(p=0.035, median survival time 164mon. vs. 55mon,).
Conclusion : VPI have no prognostic impact for tumor size ≤3cm in this study.
Therefore, 3cm or less tumor with VPI may consider to be a stage IA not IB and exclude adjuvant therapy.
책임저자: Ki Sung Park
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Daegu Catholic University Medical Center, Daegu Catholic University College of Medicine, Daegu, Korea
발표자: Seon-hyun Hwang, E-mail :