초록접수 현황

16F-102 구연 발표

A Single Center Experience of Orthotopic Heart Transplantation: Consecutive 600 Cases
Min Ho Ju, Joon Bum Kim, Suk Jung Choo, Cheol Hyun Chung, Tae-Jin Yun, Jae Won Lee, Sung-Ho Jung
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Asan Medical Center, Ulsan University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Background : Heart transplantations (HT) is regarded as a standard treatment modality in patients with end-stage heart failure. The present study was performed to analyze the incidence and early and long-term clinical outcomes.

Methods : From November 1992 to August 2016, a total of 600 cases of HT have been performed in our center. 19 cases were multi-organ transplantation (Heart-Lung: 11 cases, Heart-Kidney: 5 cases, Heart-Liver: 2 cases, Heart-Lung with Liver: 1case). 512 cases were carried out for adult recipient (≥17yrs), 69 pediatric (<17yrs) HT were performed respectively, among 581 isolated HT cases. There were 10 (1.7%) cases re-transplantation (adult: 9, pediatric: 1). Isolated heart transplantation has been focused on the analysis of the present study. Follow-up of all subjects did completely.

Results : Mean age was 46.5±13.6yrs in adult group (147 females) and 10.5±4.7yrs in pediatric group (31 females). Early mortality rates were 2.3% in the adult group and 5.8% in the pediatric group (P=0.55). During a median duration of 57 months (Quartile 1-3, 25.6-110.3 months), 77 patients died in adult group and 13 patients died in pediatric group. One- , five- and 10 year survival rates were 96.0±0.9%, 88.8±1.6% and 78.2±2.5% in adult group and 88.1±3.9%, 80.5±5.1% and 68.7±7.1% in pediatric group, respectively.

Conclusion : The number of HTs is increasing year by year in our institution. And the early and long-term outcomes of isolated HT are excellent in both adult and pediatric groups.

책임저자: Sung-Ho Jung
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Asan Medical Center, Ulsan University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
발표자: Min Ho Ju, E-mail : deicidepan@naver,com

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