Validation of the Forthcoming Eighth Edition of the TNM Classification for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: a Retrospective Analysis of Pathologically Staged (Surgical) Cases
Ju Sik Yun, Sang Yun Song, Seok Kim, Kook Joo Na
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Chonnam National University Hospital, Chonnam National University College of Medicine, Gwangju, Korea
Background : A new revision of the TNM classification for lung cancer has been recently introduced by the IASLC. The aim of this study was to evaluate the validity of the forthcoming eighth edition TNM classification for NSCLC.
Methods : We reviewed the retrospectively collected data from 603 patients undergoing pulmonary resection for NSCLC at single institution from 2005 to 2011. Pathologic TNM descriptors and staging were assessed using both seventh and eighth editions. Overall survival was calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method, and prognosis was assessed using a Cox regression analysis.
Results : There were 429 males (71%) and 174 females (29%); median age was 64 years. The histologic types were adenocarcinoma (56%), squamous cell carcinoma (36%), and others (8%). The type of pulmonary resection was as follows: lobectomy 495 (82%), bilobectomy 53, and pneumonectomy 55. The number of patients by pathologic stage in the seventh and eighth edition were as follows: IA (192 / IA1 21, IA2 98, IA3 73), IB (151 / 98), IIA (93 / 53), IIB (35 / 105), IIIA (115 / 126), IIIB (1 / 13), IV (16). When adjusted using the eighth edition, upstaging was observed in 181 patients (30%) compared with the seventh edition. In the seventh edition, 5-year overall survivals were as follows: IA, 83%; IB, 64%; IIA, 57%; IIB, 50%; IIIA, 47%; IIIB, 100%; IV, 17%. In the eighth edition, 5-year overall survivals were as follows: IA1, 90%; IA2, 82%; IA3, 81%; IB, 65%; IIA, 61%; IIB, 58%; IIIA, 46%; IIIB, 37%; IV, 17%. On Cox regression analysis, adjusted by age, gender, histologic type, pathologic stage was an independent prognostic factor if classified according to the both editions.
Conclusion : The forthcoming eighth edition of the TNM classification was considered valid based on the results of this study. Further large-scale studies are required.
책임저자: Kook Joo Na
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Chonnam National University Hospital, Chonnam National University College of Medicine, Gwangju, Korea
발표자: Ju Sik Yun, E-mail :