초록접수 현황

16F-090 구연 발표

Prognostic Significance of Extranodal Extension and Size of Metastatic Lymph node in Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
Duk Hwan Moon, Jae Hyun Jeon, Hee Chul Yang, Moon Soo Kim, Jong Mog Lee
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, National Cancer Center, Gyeonggi-do, Korea

Background : The aim of this study was to assess the prognostic significance of extranodal extension (EN) and the size of the metastatic lymph node (MLN) in the patients with node positive non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

Methods : Lymph nodes were sectioned, stained with hematoxylin and eosin, and the diameter of the largest MLN was measured. The following potential prognostic factors for overall survival were investigated: age, sex, operation type, T stage, N stage, tumor size, visceral pleural invasion, adjuvant chemotherapy, presence of EN and the size of MLN (≤ 7.0 mm vs > 7.0 mm).

Results : Among 843 NSCLC patients with LN metastasis, 375 patients had adenocarcinoma and 468 patients had squamous cell carcinoma. In patients with adenocarcinoma histology, presence of EN and MLN > 7.0 mm were observed in 212 patients (56.5%) and 206 patients (54.9%), respectively. Increasing MLN size was associated with large tumor size (P = 0.015), advanced N stage (P < 0.001), and presence of EN (P < 0.001). On multivariate analysis, tumor size (P < 0.001), adjuvant chemotherapy (P < 0.001), EN (P = 0.027) and the MLN size (P < 0.001) were independent prognostic factors for survival. In patients with squamous cell carcinoma histology, presence of EN and MLN > 7.0 mm were observed in 320 patients (68.4%) and 286 patients (61.1%), respectively. Increasing MLN size was associated with visceral pleural invasion (P = 0.020), advanced T stage (P = 0.046), advanced N stage (P < 0.001) and presence of EN (P < 0.001). Contrary to the adenocarcinoma histology, presence of EN (P = 0.315) and the MLN size (P = 0.263) were not significant prognostic factors for survival in patients with squamous cell carcinoma histology.

Conclusion : The presence of EN and MLN size could be important prognostic factors in node-positive pulmonary adenocarcinoma.

책임저자: Jae Hyun Jeon
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, National Cancer Center, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
발표자: Duk Hwan Moon, E-mail : 12494@ncc.re.kr

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