Recurrence Patterns and Dynamics for Completely Resected N1-stageII Lung Adenocarcinoma: Effect of Adjuvant Chemotherapy on the Recurrences.
Byung Jo Park¹, Yong Soo Choi², Hong Kwan Kim², Jongho Cho², Jae Ill Zo², Young Mog Shim², Sumin Shin², Jhingook Kim²
¹Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Armed Forces Cheong Pyeong Hospital, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, ²Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
목적 : Timing and pattern of recurrence are essential to explain strong prognostic heterogeneity in resected N1-stageII non-small cell lung cancer. However, research focusing on these subjects have rarely been reported. We investigated the patterns of recurrences and event rates over time in patients with completely resected N1-stageII lung adenocarcinoma.
방법 : We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 333 patients who underwent a complete surgical resection for N1-stage II lung adenocarcinoma.
결과 : The median recurrence-free survival was 36.8 months. The life table survival analysis showed that the 1-year, 3-year and 5-year recurrence free survival rates were 85.1%, 50.2% and 36.6%, respectively. Approximately 151(45.2%)patients experienced recurrence, and the patterns of recurrences included loco-regional in 41 patients(27.2%), distant in 68(45.0%), and both in 42(27.8%). Most commonly involved organs were the lung(n=77), followed by lymph nodes(n=41), bone(n=31), and brain(n=30). There were 228patients received adjuvant chemotherapy. Patients treated with adjuvant chemotherapy showed better recurrence free survival (42.5 months vs 25.4 months), and post-recurrence survival(39.8 months vs 22.6 months) compared to those of patients without adjuvant chemotherapy. The multivariate analysis revealed that adjuvant chemotherapy was significantly correlated with recurrence free survival(p=0.004) and post recurrence survival(p=0.001). Patients underwent adjuvant chemotherapy had less distant(p=0.014) and less lung(p=0.045) recurrence, while there is no difference in loco-regional(p=0.837) and brain(p=0.997) recurrence. The recurrence hazard curve demonstrated similarly shaped and sized initial and second peak at 16 and 24months, followed by a smaller peak at 40months. The temporal distribution of the recurrence risk varied depending on adjuvant chemotherapy. A visual inspection of the hazard curves suggested that the patients without adjuvant chemotherapy exhibited earlier and higher first peaks with higher hazard rate over time.
결론 : In the patients who underwent completely resected N1-stageII lung adenocarcinoma, adjuvant chemotherapy not only reduced the recurrence hazard, but also delayed the recurrence, altered pattern of recurrence and improved post-recurrence survival.
책임저자: Jhingook Kim
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
발표자: Byung Jo Park, E-mail :