Aortic Valve Reconstruction using Autologous Pericardium (AV Neo Procedure)
Jae Hyun Kim, Jae Bum Kim, Woo Sung Jang, Sae Young Choi
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea
Background : Aortic valve (AV) reconstruction using autologous pericardium (AV Neo procedure), designed by Dr. Ozaki, is a physiologic and reproducible procedure for either aortic stenosis (AS) or aortic regurgitation (AR). Here we present the initial two cases of AV Neo procedure performed in our institution.
Methods : The surgical procedure is based on the independent aortic valve cusp replacement by autologous pericardium. First, the distance between the commissure is measured with an original sizing apparatus, then the pericardial cusp is trimmed using an original template, and it is sutured to the annulus. 68-year old male (patient 1) with severe AR and moderate AS underwent AV Neo procedure in June 2016. 53-year old female (patient 2) with severe AR underwent AV Neo procedure in July 2016.
Results : The cardiac ischemic and cardiopulmonary bypass time were 127 and 153 minutes for patient 1 and 133 and 155 minutes for patient 2. Both patients were discharged without a problem at postoperative day 11 (patient 1) and 14 (patient 2). Postoperative echocardiography revealed no AR and the peak / mean pressure gradient of 16.8 / 9.0 mmHg for patient 1 and 35.0 / 17.0 mmHg for patient 2.
Conclusion : Early results of AV Neo procedure were satisfactory. Paradigm shifting for AV procedure is expecting with the long-term data of AV Neo procedure, which would come out in the near future.

책임저자: Jae Hyun Kim
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Daegu, Korea
발표자: Jae Hyun Kim, E-mail :