초록접수 현황

16F-032 구연 발표

Effectiveness of Three-dimensional Video System in Single Port Thoracoscopic Major Pulmonary Resection: Propensity Score Matched Analysis
Kook Nam Han, Hyun Koo Kim, Young Ho Choi
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Korea University Guro Hospital, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea

Background : The aim of this study is to evaluate the surgical outcomes of single port thoracoscopic surgery using three- dimensional high definition video system compared to two-dimensional system during major lung resection by propensity score matched analysis.

Methods : Between March 2012 and December 2015, 213 patients underwent single port thoracoscopic anatomic lung resection for lung malignancy by one surgeon. The patients who underwent simple wedge resection were excluded from analysis. Patient group was divided into two group: two-dimensional (n=95) and three-dimensional group (n=118). Seventy-six patients of each group were matched using propensity score analysis.

Results : There were no significant differences in operation time between 2D (180 ± 64 min) and 3D (188 ±57 min) (p=0.439), conversion to open thoracotomy (n=4 in 2D, n=3 in 3D) (p=0.698) and postoperative complication (p=0.145) in major lung resection. Subgroup analysis showed that procedural time for lobectomy with segmentectomy (224 ± 93 min in 2D vs 193 ± 137 min in 3D) was shorter in three-dimensional group significantly (P < 0 .001). The procedural time for sleeve resection (p=0.640), and additional procedure (p=0.098) was shorter in three-dimensional group, however, was not significant statistically. The number of excised mediastinal lymph nodes (n=18 ± 10 in 2D vs 18 ± 8.3 in 3D) was not significantly different (p=0.811). Eye discomfort or headache when using glasses for three-dimensional image was not observed in our study.

Conclusion : Three-dimensional video system is a safe and feasible option for single port thoracoscopic major lung resection for lung cancer and might be helpful in reducing the procedural time during thoracoscopic complex procedures; such as segmentectomy and sleeve resection.

책임저자: Hyun Koo Kim
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Korea University Guro Hospital, Korea University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
발표자: Kook Nam Han, E-mail : hdoc@korea.ac.kr

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