초록접수 현황

16F-015 포스터 발표

Iatrogenic Cardiac injury : 6 Years Experience at the Single-center
Do Wan Kim, Sang Gi Oh, Kyo Seon Lee, Gwan Sic Kim, Yochun Jung, Seung Ku Kang, Kook Joo Na, In Seok Jeong
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Chonnam National University Hospital, Chonnam National University College of Medicine, Gwangju, Korea

Background : Iatrogenic cardiac injury, which requires urgent or emergent operation, is rare but is always a clinically significant situation. In this study, we report our experience of iatrogenic hempericardium.

Methods : We retrospectively reviewed 10 patients with iatrogenic hemopericardium who underwent emergent surgery from January 2010 to July 2016.

Results : There were 7 male and 3 female patients, with median age of 65 (range: 56∼80). Six patients (60%) were injured by pericardiocentesis, and two patients (20%) was injured by coronary intervention. One patient (10%) was injured by closed thoracostomy, and one patient (11%) was injured during cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

The most common injured site was right ventricle (n=5, 50%), and other sites were coronary artery (n=2), right atrium (n=1), left ventricle (n=1), and unknown origin (n=1).

Occurrence of preoperative tamponade in these patients was 7 cases.

Surgical treatment was carried out in all patients. Eight patients (80%) underwent the cardiac repair through the sternotomy. Of these patients, 3 patients (30%) underwent the operation with cardiopulmonary bypass support. Two patients (20%) underwent only pericardiostomy.

The overall mortality rate was 3% (3 out of 10 patients). Cardiogenic shock associated with delayed diagnosis was the cause of death in all cases.

Conclusion : The mortality rate from iatrogenic cardiac injury is very high. We believe that the clinical results survival rate can be improved by a high index of suspicion and early diagnosis.

책임저자: In Seok Jeong
Department of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Chonnam National University Hospital, Chonnam National University College of Medicine, Gwangju, Korea
발표자: Do Wan Kim, E-mail : maskjoa@naver.com

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