초록접수 현황

검색결과 301
발표번호 접수번호 초록제목 발표자 책임저자
16F-251 VATS Segmentectomy Versus Lobectomy of Left Upper Lobe for Clinical Stage IA Adenocarcinoma with Ground-glass Opacity Appearance Sumin Shin Hong Kwan Kim
16F-250 Long Term Outcomes and Prognostic Factor of N2 Disease NSCLC Patients Treated with Neoadjuvant Therapy. Jee Won Suh Kyung Young Chung
16F-249 Outcome of Recent Conventional Total Arch Replacement for Aortic Arch Aneurysm Hyun Chel Joo Hyun Chel Joo
F 07 16F-248 Extra-anatomic Abdomen-sparing Ascending Aorto-femoral Artery Bypass Surgery Showed Good Patency in the Patients Who had Mid-aortic Disease Doosang Kim Doosang Kim
구연 058 16F-247 Comparision of Oncologic Outcomes for Pathologic N1/N2 Non-small Cell Lung Cancer by Thoracoscopic Surgery Versus Thoracotomy: A Propensity Score Matching Study Yoohwa Hwang Chang Hyun Kang
F 19 16F-246 Prognostic Effect of Repeated Pulmonary Metastasectomy in Colorectal Cancer Patients with Intrapulmonary Recurrences after Curative Pulmonary Metastasectomy. Samina Park In Kyu Park
구연 053 16F-245 Feasibility Study on the Near-infrared Image-guided Upper Mediastinal Lymph Node dissection for Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Jee Won Suh Dae Joon Kim
구연 078 16F-244 More Flow Control and Less Complication : An Internal Pulmonary Artery Banding Technique Eung Re Kim Woong-Han Kim
구연 022 16F-243 Heparin-free Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in Patients with Ongoing Bleeding or Bleeding Tendency. Sung Kwang Lee Do Hyung Kim
구연 060 16F-242 The Prognosis of Invasive Adenocarcinoma Presenting as Ground-glass Opacity after Sublobar Resection Youngkyu Moon Jae Kil Park
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