초록접수 현황

검색결과 301
발표번호 접수번호 초록제목 발표자 책임저자
구연 114 16F-021 Early Outcome of Surgery for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Young Woo Do Sungsoo Lee
16F-020 The Risk of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax by the Chest Configuration; Comparison with Controls Young Woo Do Sungsoo Lee
구연 007 16F-019 Post-recurrence Survival Analysis of Stage I Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Prognostic Significance of Local Treatment Hyeong Ryul Kim Hyeong Ryul Kim
구연 044 16F-018 Patterns of Recurrence in Curatively Resected Stage I Lung Cancer. Kanghoon Lee Dong Kwan Kim
구연 082 16F-017 The Learning Curve in Robotic Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer Chang Hyun Kang Chang Hyun Kang
포스터 07 16F-016 The Effects of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in Patient with Ischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy Lee Young Uk Dong Hyup Lee
포스터 12 16F-015 Iatrogenic Cardiac injury : 6 Years Experience at the Single-center Do Wan Kim In Seok Jeong
구연 115 16F-014 Experience of Trans-sternal Transpericardial Lung Resection in Advanced Lung Pathology Joonsuk Park Joonsuk Park
구연 095 16F-013 Outcome of Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Followed by Therapeutic Hypothermia for Prolonged Refractory In-hospital Cardiac Arrest Yun Seok Kim Yun Seok Kim
E 10 16F-012 Pattern of Cervical Lymph node Metastasis and Efficacy of Cervical node Dissection in Esophageal Cancer Yoonjin Kang Chang Hyun Kang
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