초록접수 현황

검색결과 301
발표번호 접수번호 초록제목 발표자 책임저자
F 05 16F-281 Cardiac Surgery under Closed Cardiopulmonary Bypass Systems Min Suk Choi Jin Ho Choi
16F-280 Subpleural Local Anesthetic Infusion and IV PCA for Pain Control after in VATS Minor Pulmonary Resection Jae Ho Chung Jae Ho Chung
구연 019 16F-279 The Influence of Postoperative Outcome after the Fenestration of an Extracardiac Conduit Fontan in the High-risk Patients Ji Hyun Bang Woong-Han Kim
구연 105 16F-278 Does the Method of Mediastinal Staging Cause the Mediastinal Nodal Clearance Following Trimodality Therapy? Jong Ho Cho Jhingook Kim
구연 039 16F-277 형질전환돼지 심장을 이용한 영장류 전임상 고형장기(심장) 이소성 이종이식시험 모델의 확립 황유화 김영태
구연 083 16F-276 Four-arm Robotic Lobectomy has No Benefit Over VATS Lobectomy in Patients with Clinical Stage I Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Jee Won Suh Dae Joon Kim
구연 089 16F-275 Mode of Failures after Repair of Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm Sang Yoon Kim Cheong Lim
포스터 02 16F-274 심방중격결손 이상 교정 후 장기간 용적부하감소가 있었던 우심실의 기능 및 용적 회복 조현근 박한기
F 24 16F-273 The Comparison of Long-term Clinical Outcomes after off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass between the Bilateral Internal Thoracic Artery and Single Internal Thoracic Artery in Elderly Patients. Do Jung Kim Young-Nam Youn
구연 073 16F-272 Long-term Results of Pulmonary Valve Annular Enlargement with Valve Repair in Total Correction of Tetralogy of Fallot Hyungtae Kim Si Chan Sung
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