초록접수 현황
검색결과 301건 |
발표번호 | 접수번호 | 초록제목 | 발표자 | 책임저자 |
포스터 25 | 16F-301 | Simultaneous Decompressive Craniectomy and Mitral Valve Replacement in Patient with Large Embolic Stroke Complicating Infective Endocarditis | Sang-Ho Cho | Sang-Ho Cho |
구연 008 | 16F-300 | 관상동맥우회로술에 이용된 좌내흉동맥 및 복재정맥 Y 복합도관의 벽전단력 측정연구 | 염상윤 | 김기봉 |
V 05 | 16F-299 | Surgical Ventricular Restoration in Patient with Large Anterior Left Ventricular Aneurysm | Sang-Ho Cho | Sang-Ho Cho |
16F-298 | Patterns of Resectable Thoracic Bone Metastasis and its Postoperative Clinical Course | Kwanyong Hyun | Chang Hyun Kang | |
16F-297 | Clinical Outcomes of Surgical Resection for Intrathoracic Esophageal Diverticulum | Sung Jin Kim | Jong Ho Cho | |
구연 052 | 16F-296 | Management of Patients with Bilateral Vocal Cord Paralysis following Esophagectomy | Hong-Kyu Lee | Yong Mog Shim |
16F-295 | Modified Bio-Bentall Procedure : The French Cuff Technique | Sang-Ho Cho | Sang-Ho Cho | |
E 08 | 16F-294 | Extended Sleeve Lobectomy for Locally Advanced NSCLC : A 20-Year Single Center Experience | Tae Hee Hong | Jong Ho Cho |
16F-293 | The Feasiblity and Safety of Tracheostomy in Respiratory ECMO Support Patients | Mi Hee Yim | Do Hyung Kim | |
16F-292 | Long-term Outcomes of Lobectomy for Ground-Glass Opacity Clinical Stage I Adenocarcinoma. | Jae Jun Jung | Jong Ho Cho |