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검색결과 38
발표번호 접수번호 초록제목 발표자 책임저자
포스터 01 16F-117 Redo-Rastelli Operation with Nuss Operation for Relieving the Compression of an Extracardiac Conduit and Coronary Arteries. Sung Sil Yoon Siho Kim
포스터 02 16F-274 심방중격결손 이상 교정 후 장기간 용적부하감소가 있었던 우심실의 기능 및 용적 회복 조현근 박한기
포스터 03 16F-030 Concomitant Repair of Vascular Ring With Kommerell’s Diverticulum and Ventricular Septal Defect Min Namkoong Cheul Lee
포스터 04 16F-196 Management of Left Vertricular Thrombus Detected in the Perioperative Period of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Hyung Tae Sim Kwang Ree Cho
포스터 05 16F-126 Relationship between Coronary Disease and Anatomical Classification of the Cardiac Veins Su Wan Kim Su Wan Kim
포스터 06 16F-190 Stent Thrombosis after Short-term Discontinuation of P2Y12 Inhibitor (Ticagrelor) Followed by Elective Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Sun Kyun Ro Sun Kyun Ro
포스터 07 16F-016 The Effects of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery in Patient with Ischemic Dilated Cardiomyopathy Lee Young Uk Dong Hyup Lee
포스터 08 16F-064 The Hemodynamic Energy Delivery Amount to the both Carotid Arteries are Different by Aortic Cannula Geometries in a Patient Specific 3D Printed Mock System Kuk Hui Son Kuk Hui Son
포스터 09 16F-043 Feasibility of the 3D Printed Patient Specific Mock System to Test the Hemodynamic Energy during Extracorporeal Circulation Kuk Hui Son Kuk Hui Son
포스터 10 16F-118 Eleven Cardiac Operations for Recurrent Cardiac Myxomas with Typical Endocrinal Tumors in a Family : Carney Complex Sung Joon Han Myung Hoon Na
포스터 11 16F-055 Fluid Analysis of the Early Postoperative Chest Tube Drainage for the Early Diagnosis of the Post-sternotomy Mediastinitis Yochun Jung Byoung Hee Ahn
포스터 12 16F-015 Iatrogenic Cardiac injury : 6 Years Experience at the Single-center Do Wan Kim In Seok Jeong
포스터 13 16F-225 Right Atrial Reconstruction after Removal of Huge Right Atrial Lipoma. Se Min Ryu Se Min Ryu
포스터 14 16F-122 Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Associated with Pseudocoarctation Jin Hong Wi Jin Hong Wi
포스터 15 16F-217 Total Arch Replacement of Retrograde type A Aortic Dissection after TEVAR 김관욱 이건
포스터 16 16F-103 How Old is too Old for Life Saving Heart Surgery? (Ascending and Hemiarch Replacement in 97 Year old Patient) Hyung Chae Lee Hyung Chae Lee
포스터 17 16F-123 Mycotic Common Iliac Artery Aneurysm Infected by Candida Albicans Jin Hong Wi Jin Hong Wi
포스터 18 16F-233 Rare Cause of Acute Upper Limb Ischemia : Hyperhomocysteinemia Se Min Ryu Se Min Ryu
포스터 19 16F-060 ARDS after Bilobectomy due to Bronchial Rupture cause Falling down Injury Yong Han Yoon Yong Han Yoon
포스터 20 16F-261 Various Techniques for Distal Limb Perfusion during Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation - Usefulness of Bedside Ultrasound and Angiography Min Suk Choi Jin Ho Choi
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