초록접수 현황

15F-260 구연 발표

Analysis of Recurrence Pattern after Curative Lung Cancer Surgery in Perspective of Follow-up Surveillance
김응래, 박샘이나, 황유화, 박인규, 강창현, 김영태
서울대학교 의과대학 서울대학교병원 흉부외과학교실

Background : Detection of recurrence after complete resection is an important clinical issue ater lung cancer surgery. However, there is no clear consensus on the modality and frequency of follow-up surveillance after curative lung cancer surgery. In this study, we aim to propose a reasonable protocol by analyzing the pattern of recurrence after complete resection of lung cancer.

Methods : A total of 950 patients who underwent complete resection for lung cancer from 2006 to 2009 were reviewed retrospectively. Clinic-pathological data including follow-up surveillance records were obtained and analyzed.

Results : The median follow-up duration was 6 years. Recurrence was detected in 259 patients (27.2%). The median time to recurrence was 1.1 year. Recurrence was detected by routine follow-up study in 85.7%, and by symptoms in 12.7%. In 65.5% patients recurrence was detected by computed tomography scan and 26.2% was detected by positron emission tomography scan. Freedom from recurrence rates were 87.7% at 1 year, 78.2% at 2 year, and 69.9% at 5 year. Median time to recurrence were 1.5 year in 106 (40.9%) stage I, 1.0 year in 61 (23.6%) stage II, and 1.1 year in 92 (35.5%) stage III. There was no significant difference in chronological trend between the three stages (p=0.26). The cumulative rates of recurrence were 41.7%, 73.8%, and 91.1% at the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd year. Chance of recurrence dropped below 5% after 3 years and the probability of detection of recurrence was 8.6%. There was no recurrence after 5 years. (Fig.1)

Conclusion : Although patients with advanced stage lung cancer have a higher recurrence rate than earlier stages, the chronological pattern of recurrence does not different between stages. Our data supports an intensive follow-up surveillance during the first and second year after surgery. However, less intensive surveillance with less invasive modality and less frequencies would be appropriate after third year because recurrence rate and detection probability are significantly low.

책임저자: 박인규
서울대학교 의과대학 서울대학교병원 흉부외과학교실
연락처 : 김응래, Tel: 02-22072-2348 , E-mail : xion119@naver.com

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