초록접수 현황

15F-254 구연 발표

Diamter of the Thoracic Aorta and the Branches Measured with Low dose Multidectector Computed Tomgraphy
이창하, 조광리, 김동진, 유재석, 장형우, 곽재건, 최은석, 공준혁
세종병원 흉부외과

Background : Knowledge of size and morphology of the normal aorta in Korean population is important for surgical and endovascular intervention. We measured the diameter of innominate artery, left common carotid artery, left subclavian artery, ascending thoracic aorta, aortic arch, descending thoracic aorta, thoracic aorta at diaphragm level, perpendicular to the loop-shaped thoracic aortic course using low dose multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) in relation to sex, age. The purpose of this study was to provide the normal values of the tracheal size and anatomy in Korean adults using Computerized Tomography.

Methods : There were 16711 men and 1687 women who had no abnormalities of the thoracic aorta in health care center were included in this study. The image was reformed with multiplanar reconstruction and the diameter of the parameter was measured perpendicular to the aortic course at 5 anatomic sites. IA was the origin of innominate artery, LCC was the origin of left common carotid artery, LSA was the origin of left subclavian artery, ATA was the mid-ascending aorta, ASC was the aortic arch, DTA was the mid-descending aorta, DIA was the distal ascending aorta at diaphragmatic level.

Results : The mean diameter of IA was 12.0 mm, LCC was 8.1 mm, LSA was 10.1 mm, ATA was 31.7 mm, ASC was 27.4 mm, DTA was 23.9 mm, DIA was 26.0 mm. Hypertensive patients had larger diameters than did the non-hypertensive population. There were no statistical differences of male and female at all levels. There was a positive correlation between the ATA and the age of female but there were no statistical differences at the ATA and the age of male.

Conclusion : We provide this data as reference values for the thoracic aortic diameter in the Korean population.

책임저자: 공준혁
세종병원 흉부외과
연락처 : 공준혁, Tel: 032-340-1151 , E-mail : joonhyukkong@empas.com

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