초록접수 현황

15F-247 구연 발표

Outcomes of the Leaflet Extension Technique in Aortic regurgitation: 10 Years Follow-up
오홍철, 최재웅, 김용한, 김경환, 안혁
서울대학교 의과대학 서울대학교병원

Background : We evaluated the effectiveness and durability of the leaflet extension technique for correction of aortic regurgitation (AR) and the long-term clinical results.

Methods : Between March 1995 and August 2004, 38 consecutive patients were included. The mean age was 31.3 ± 13.8 years. The causes of AR were rheumatic in 31 patients (81.6%), degenerative in 2 patients (5.3%), infective endocarditis in 1 patient (2.6%), and congenital in 4 patients (10.5%). Leaflet extensions were performed in three leaflets for 31 patients, two leaflets for 2 patients, and only one leaflet for 5 patients. The mean follow-up duration was 11.8 ± 6.3 years.

Results : There were no early deaths and 5 late deaths. 2 patient died of cancer, 1 patient died of stroke, 1 patient died of unknown cause, and 1 patient died of infective endocarditis. The cardiac-related mortality was 2.6% (1 of 38 patients). We performed 15 reoperations (39.5%). 7 patients underwent reoperation because of AR (4 in patients owing to infective endocarditis, 2 in patients owing to disease progression, and 1 in a patient owing to the suture dehiscence associated with Behçet’s disease.). 7 patients under went because of aortic stenoinsufficiency, and 1 patient for heart failure. There were aortic valve replacements in 13 patients, Ross operation in 1 patient, Heart transplantation 1 patient. Freedom from reoperation was 91.1% at 5 years, 82.1% at 10 years, and 50.2% at 17 years.

Conclusion : Aortic valve repair with leaflet extension may be an option in carefully selected patients with aortic regurgitation. Early and midterm clinical results may be favorable, long term results are not inferior to the aortic tissue valve replacement.

책임저자: 안혁
서울대학교 의과대학 서울대학교병원 흉부외과학교실
연락처 : 오홍철, Tel: 02-2072-3898 , E-mail : elmion@hanmail.net

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