초록접수 현황

15F-201 Video session발표

Minimally Invasive Concomitant Aortic and Mitral Valve Surgery
제형곤, 박종명, 이현주, 정혜선, 이지혜, 정현희, 박수영, 이상권
부산대학교 의과대학 부산대학교병원 흉부외과학교실

Background : Valve surgery via a median sternotomy has been the standard of care, but in the past decade various minimally invasive approaches have gained popularity among cardiac surgeons society.

Methods : Recently, with accumulated experience, some centers published clinical results of patients who underwent combined aortic and mitral valve surgery via a right mini-thoracotomy approach.

Results : The following video clip shows our surgical approach and early clinical course of combined aortic and mitral valve surgery.

Conclusion : Concomitant aortic and mitral valve surgery can be safely done in right mini-thoracotomy approach, but relatively longer cardiopulmonary bypass time is unavoidable. Because the patient selection is important, it might be better to reserve for healthier and younger patients.

책임저자: 제형곤
부산대학교 의과대학 부산대학교병원 흉부외과학교실
연락처 : 제형곤, Tel: 055-360-2127 , E-mail : jehg7332@gmail.com

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