Tumor Perimeter and Lobulation could be useful Predictor of Pleural Recurrence in Patients with Resected Thymoma
도영우¹, 이혜정², 남경식¹, 정희석¹, 배미경³, 이창영¹, 이진구¹, 김대준¹, 정경영¹
연세대학교 의과대학 세브란스병원 흉부외과교실¹, 연세대학교 의과대학 세브란스병원 영상의학과교실², 국민건강보험 일산병원 흉부외과³
Background : This study aimed to determine risk factors of pleural recurrence after thymoma resection by investigating clinical, radiological, surgical, and pathological findings.
Methods : Retrospective study was performed with 327 patients who had undergone surgery for thymoma between January 2000 and December 2013. Among these cases, the patients were divided into no pleural recurrence group (n=301) and pleural recurrence group (n=26). Radiologic parameters such as maximum tumor diameter, tumor perimeter that contact with the lung (TPCL) and tumor lobulation (Fig. 1.) were measured based on computed tomography scan by an independent single radiologist. A multivariate analysis was performed to estimate risk factors for pleural recurrence including maximum tumor diameter, TPCL, tumor lobulation, World Health Organization (WHO) tumor type, Masaoka stage, extent of resection, transpleural approach.
Results : The median follow-up period was 57.1 months. The pleural recurrence rate was 8% (26/327). The mean maximum tumor diameters were 4.8 cm in no pleural recurrence group and 6.6 cm in pleural recurrence group. The mean TPCLs were 5.1 cm in no pleural recurrence group and 8.0 cm in pleural recurrence group. After univariate analysis, maximum tumor diameter (p <0.001), TPCL (p <0.001), tumor lobulation (p = 0.001), WHO tumor type B3 (p = 0.013), and Masaoka stage Ⅲ (p < 0.001), Ⅳ (p = 0.002) demonstrated significant differences with rick factors of pleural recurrence. Extent of resection and transpleural approach were not significantly different between the two groups. Multivariate analysis revealed that TPCL (p=0.027) and tumor lobulation (p=0.049) were significantly associated with pleural recurrence.
Conclusion : TPCL and tumor lobulation on computed tomography scan were independent risk factors of pleural recurrence after thymoma resection. Our study demonstrated that radiologic parameters could be useful predictor of pleural recurrence in patients with resected thymoma. On this basis, prospective studies may be needed to clarify the risk factor of pleural recurrence.

책임저자: 정경영
연세대학교 의과대학 세브란스병원 흉부외과학교실
연락처 : 도영우, Tel: 02-2228-2140 , E-mail : YWDO@yuhs.ac