초록접수 현황

15F-153 구연 발표

Initial Experiences of Rigid Bronchoscopy as Therapeutic Platform for Various Endobronchial Procedures
이창영, 도영우, 남경식, 정희석, 이은영, 이진구, 김대준, 백효채, 정경영
연세대학교 의과대학 세브란스병원 흉부외과학교실

Background : The aim of this retrospective study was to present and share initial experiences of rigid bronchoscopy for various endobronchial procedures such as stent insertion, argon plasma coagulation and foreign body removal etc.

Methods : Between February 2015 and August 2015, 28 rigid bronchoscopic procedures were performed for 21 patients. Data were reviewed retrospectively and analyzed baseline characteristics, the change of operation time and success or failure of these procedures. Success or failure of bronchoscopic procedure was defined as follows: Complete success was achievement of planned surgery (technical success) and symptom relief or improvement of radiologic study (clinical success). Partial success was achievement of planned surgery but no symptom improvement or need for additional procedures. Failure was no achievement of both technical and clinical success.

Results : Median age was 56 years (range, 7-73) and male patients were 71%. Cases with malignant disease and benign disease was 15 (54%) and 13 (46%), respectively. Most common type of airway lesion was obstruction by mass (13 cases, 46%). Eight cases (29%) had stenosis and 5 cases (18%) had fistula. Right bronchus was most common site of lesion (11, 39%). Mechanical debulking of mass were performed in 9 cases, argon plasma coagulation in 8 cases, silicone stent insertion in 13 cases, balloon dilation of stenosis in 3 cases, foreign body or stent remove in 5 cases, and benign tumor removal in 1 case. Overall success rate was 93% (complete success rate 68%, partial success rate 25%). The change of operation time by cases was shown in Fig. 1. After initial 20 cases, operation time has been stabilized below 70 minutes. There was no procedure-related morbitidy or mortality.

Conclusion : Performing various procedures under rigid bronchoscope was safe and feasible. Also the result was competent especially in terms of technical success. Experiencing of initial 20 cases made the operation time of following cases kept lowering and stabilized. However, more experiences and cautious selection of candidate are necessary in order to lower partial success rate.

책임저자: 이창영
연세대학교 의과대학 세브란스병원 흉부외과학교실
연락처 : 이창영, Tel: 02-2228-2144 , E-mail : cyleecs@yuhs.ac

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