초록접수 현황

15F-141 구연 발표

Impact of Hyperten-augmented Charlson Comorbidity Index on Postoperative Complications after Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer.
최필조, 정상석, 윤성실, 정재화
동아대학교 의과대학 동아대학교병원 흉부외과학교실

Background : The charlson comorbidity index (CCI) is a useful tool for predicting postoperative complications and long-term outcome in patients undergoing cancer surgery. However, few studies have investigated CCI in esophageal cancer surgery. Furthermore recent evidence suggests that the CCI omits several important prognostic comorbidities for cancer including hypertension. Therefore, The aim of this study was to examine the impact of h-CCI(hypertension; assigned weight 1) on predicting outcomes after esophagectomy.

Methods : This retrospective study included 154 patients who underwent resection for esophageal cancer between March 1994 and November 2013 in our center. The primary outcomes measured were the impact of h-CCI on postoperative morbidity.

Results : The patients’ median age was 62 years(range, 29~80 years); there were 141 men and 13 women. overall hospital mortality was 1.9% and overall morbidity was 33.8%. postoperative complications included with pneumonia (18 patients), vocal cord palsy (10 patients), ARDS (7 patients) acute hepatopathy (7 patients) and so on. Univariate analysis showed that the risk factors for postoperative complications consisted of stage and h-CCI, but CCI did not have significant effect on the postoperative complications. Multivariate analysis revealed that h-CCI was only independent risk factors for postoperative complications [OR:1.419 (1.06~1.90) p=0.019]. Moreover, in survival rate, stage had only significant effect on multivariate analysis

Conclusion : h-CCI is a useful predictor of postoperative complications in patients with esophageal cancer. Namely, an increasing h-CCI is associated with increasing risk for postoperative complication. Therefore h-CCI may be used by esophageal surgeons to predict patients who are at increased risk during preoperative evaluation.

책임저자: 최필조
동아대학교 의과대학 동아대학교병원 흉부외과학교실
연락처 : 정상석, Tel: 051-240-5195 , E-mail : ssjeong49@naver.com

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