Unclassified Cardiac Sarcoma in the Left Atrium Grossly Mimicking Myxoma and Clinically Presenting Acute Heart Failure
노선균, 남승혁, 이철범
한양대학교 의과대학 구리병원 흉부외과
Background : Cardiac sarcoma is very rare cardiac tumor and its clinical manifestations are variously presented according to its anatomical configuration, mass effect, local invasion, or embolization. It should be radically resected for better outcome; however, preoperative or intraoperative diagnosis for cardiac malignancy could not be easy especially in an emergent situation.
Methods : 55 year old female patient presenting aggravated exertional dyspnea was referred to our emergency room. Movable huge mass obstructed the mitral valve and caused mitral insufficiency on transthoracic echocardiogram. Computed tomography showed that 3.4 and 1.4 cm sized lobulating contour masses were attached to the lateral and posterior walls of the left atrium, respectively.
Results : Due to aggravated dyspnea and vital instability, she was transferred to the operating suite for emergent surgery with respiratory and inotropic supports. Under cardioplegic arrest, two separate lobulating masses were completely removed. However, radical resection was not performed since the masses grossly seemed like myxomas. The left atrial masses were finally confirmed as unclassified cardiac sarcomas. She has been recovered from heart failure and followed up for 4 months.
Conclusion : In case of surgery for cardiac tumor, the likelihood of malignancy should be sufficiently considered in spite of its rarity since its surgical margin is intimately associated with clinical outcomes.
책임저자: 노선균
한양대학교 의과대학 구리병원 흉부외과
연락처 : 노선균, Tel: 031-560-2300 , E-mail : skro@hyumc.com