초록접수 현황

15F-076 Video session발표

Single-port Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Thymectomy Through a Subxiphoidal Incision
강도균, 허운, 이성광, 민호기, 전희재, 황윤호
인제대학교 의과대학 해운대백병원 흉부외과학교실

Background : Single-port video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) has been tried and its advantages have been reported. Some authors reported experiences of single-port VATS for thymectomy. Most surgeons performed single-port VATS thymectomy through a incision in the intercostal space. We introduce our experience of single-port VATS thymectomy through a subxiphoidal incision.

Methods : We performed single-port VATS thymectomy through a subxiphoidal incision in the patient with 4.0cm sized anterior mediastinal tumor. A transverse incision (about 4cm) was made on the xiphoid process in supine position. The xiphoid process was resected and the substernal space was secured using X-small sized wound retractor. The sternum was retracted anteriorly with Kent retractor and wire to secure the substernal space. Thymectomy was performed using 5mm-30 degree thoracoscope and ultrasonic scalpel.

Results : Single-port VATS thymectomy through a subxiphoidal incision was performed successfully. The operation time was 150 minutes. The amount of chest tube drainage was 290ml for inital 24 hours. The chest tube was removed at postoerative days 4. The tumor was confirmed as a thymoma (type AB) and the resection margin was clear on microscopic examination. The patient was discharged without complications in five days after surgery.

Conclusion : To evaluate the feasibility of single-port VATS thymectomy through a subxiphoidal incision, more experiences woud be required in well selected patients.

책임저자: 강도균
인제대학교 의과대학 해운대백병원 흉부외과학교실
연락처 : 강도균, Tel: 051-797-3131 , E-mail : med7695@naver.com

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