Percutaneous Endovascular Repair of Middle Aortic Syndrome
김정택, 이미나, 김영삼, 윤용한, 오성현, 강성민, 김지혜, 김혜숙, 백완기
인하대학교 의과대학 인하대학교병원 흉부외과학교실
Background : Middle aortic syndrome (MAS, Coartation of the distal thoracic aorta and /or the abdominal aorta) is rare and account for 0.5-2% of all coartation cases. Thoracoabdominal bypass was choice of treatment. We report a case of MAS with thoracic endovascular repair.
Methods : 48 year old male patient referred due to mid aortic coarctation(Fig.A). Past medical history includes hypertension, chronic renal failure, and cerebral hemorrhage. The patient complained of bilateral claudication and weakness of lower extremities. Soft systolic murmur was checked on the mid back area.
Thoracic endovascular repair was done as an usual TEVAR on February 2014. The stenosis was crossed from the right femoral approach. Stenosis area was dilated with 12 mm balloon after placement of Seal thoracic stent graft ( S&G BioTech, 18 mm x 13 cm). The Systolic pressure gradient prior to TEVAR were 44 mmHg (right arm 150/90 mmHg, right leg 106/74 mmHg). Post-TEVAR pressure gradient were 28 mmHg (Right arm 139/77mmHg, right leg 111/68mmHg). F-up 3D CT angiogram showed incomplete extension of stent graft at the stenotic lesion. 2nd Procedure was done with balloon dilatation and bear metal stent insertion (14 mm x 8 cm) on April 2014.
Results : Final systolic pressure gradient were 18 mmHg (right arm 122/73 mmHg, right leg 104/59 mmHg).
The 3D CT angiogram at 18 months follow-up(Fig.B) showed improved descending aorta stenosis. The collateral vessels were decreased. The claudication symptom, upper body hypertension, and systolic murmur of mid back were disappeared
Conclusion : We treated a case of middle aortic syndrome with endovascular repair. The midterm follow-up showed a satisfactory result.

책임저자: 김정택
인하대학교 의과대학 인하대학교병원 흉부외과학교실
연락처 : 김정택, Tel: 032-890-2280 , E-mail :