Management of Second Recurrence Extra-abdominal Fibromatosis on Chest Wall
송경섭, 금동윤, 박창권, 김재범
계명대학교 의과대학 동산의료원 흉부외과학교실
Background : Desmoid tumor, also known as aggressive fibromatosis, is benign tumor, and can occur all area of body. The incidence is 2-4 per million. Despite it is benign tumor, local invasion and recurrence is frequent. So R0 resection is standard treatment. We had chest wall desmoids tumor patient who had second time recurrence.
Methods : A 41-year-old female admitted our hospital for left anterior chest mass on august 2015. She had desmoids tumor resection on 2010 and 2012, on same site. On 2010, after mass and 4th costal cartilage resection, she was firstly diagnosed as extra-abdominal fibromatosis. On 2012, 5,6th costal cartilage and partial pericardial mass wide resection with chest wall reconstruction using Gore-Tex and latissimus dorsi flap was done. Pathology result was extra-abdominal fibromatosis on pericardium. At third time occurrence, we did wide resection and replaced Gore-Tex with new one.
Results : he had third occurrence of extra-abdominal fibromatosis on same site, left anterior chest wall.
Conclusion : On 2012, at first recurrence, she had NSAID treatment to reduce recurrence rate. But we stopped NSAID due to facial swelling. At this time, despite the tumor was adjacent to heart, we planned adjuvant radiotherapy.

책임저자: 금동윤
계명대학교 의과대학 동산의료원 흉부외과학교실
연락처 : 송경섭, Tel: 053)250-7307 , E-mail :