초록접수 현황

15F-024 구연 발표

Interhospital Transportation can Improve Survival of Patients on Extracorporeal Life Support: Experience of Samsung Medical Center
홍태희, 조양현, 성기익, 양지혁
성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 흉부외과학교실

Background : Although interhospital transportation of a patient on extracorporeal life support (ECLS) is common in North America and Europe, it is only rarely performed in Korea. Hence, we reviewed our recent experience.

Methods : The study period was between January 2013 and January 2015. We reviewed patients who was transported from elsewhere to Samsung Medical Center by our ECLS team. Three patients who were not transported by our ECLS team were excluded. Contraindication of interhospital transportation were hemodynamic instability under ECLS and confirmed diagnosis of brain death.

Results : Twenty patients were included for the study. The median age was 44 year-old (IQR, 22-57). There were seven female patients (35%). Details of patients’ profile is shown in Table 1. The successful weaning from ECLS was occurred in 17 patients (85%). All 17 patients survived from the hospitalization. Six patients (30%) had heart (n=4) or lung (n=2) transplantation.

Conclusion : Despite generous criteria for accepting interhospital transportation, the outcome was favorable. Experienced center should keep or start interhospital ECLS transportation program in order to save patients’ in a difficult condition.

책임저자: 조양현
성균관대학교 의과대학 삼성서울병원 흉부외과학교실
연락처 : 조양현, Tel: 02-3410-2213 , E-mail : mdcho95@gmail.com

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