Is the T3 Designation Valid in Patients with Centrally Located Non-small Cell Lung Cancer?
전재현, 양희철, 김문수, 이종목
국립암센터 폐암센터 흉부외과
목적 : T3 non-small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) are a heterogeneous group of tumors in terms of T3 descriptors and prognosis. The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics and prognosis of each descriptor of T3 NSCLC.
방법 : Of 3241 patients who were operated on for NSCLC between 2001 and 2013, this study included 431 patients who had complete anatomic resection of T3 NSCLC without neoadjuvant treatment. The following potential prognostic factors for disease free survival (DFS) were investigated: age, sex, operation type, histology type, T3 descriptor, N status, lymphatic invasion, venous invasion, perineural invasion and adjuvant chemotherapy. The T3 descriptors were coded as follows: tumor invading main bronchus within 2 cm of the carina (T3-cent), tumor invading beyond visceral pleura (T3-inv), tumor larger than 7 cm (T3-size), separate tumor nodules (T3-sep), or tumor with combined T3 descriptors (T3-comb).
결과 : There were 375 male patients and 56 female patients with a mean age of 63.6 ± 8.7 years. In-hospital mortality was 5.8% and the DFS at 5 years was 41.0%. The T3 distribution was as follows: T3-cent, 70 (16.2%) patients; T3-inv, 145 (33.6%) patients; T3-size, 127 (29.4%) patients; T3-sep, 34 (7.9%) patients; T3-comb, 55 (12.8%) patients. In subgroup analysis, there was significant survival benefit in the T3-centr group compared with other groups (all P < 0.05). The 5 year DFS rates were 53.5%, 38.4%, 41.2%, 34.2%, and 34.1% in the T3-cent, T3-inv, T3-size, T3-sep, and T3-comb subgroups, respectively. On multivariate analysis, age (P = 0.042), N status (P = 0.007), adjuvant chemotherapy (P = 0.001), and T3 descriptors (T3-cent, P = 0.007) were the most important independent prognostic factors for DFS.
결론 : The current T3 designation represents a heterogeneous population. Survival for T3 NSCLC located centrally is better than other type T3 NSCLC, and the T3 descriptor may unduly upstage these cases.

책임저자: 김문수
국립암센터 폐암센터 흉부외과
연락처 : 전재현, Tel: 031-920-1708 , E-mail :