초록접수 현황

검색결과 266
발표번호 접수번호 초록제목 발표자 책임저자
구연 026 15F-221 관상동맥우회수술 전 관상동맥 중재시술의 임상적 영향 연구 김희중 정재승
구연 054 15F-220 Survival Analysis Following Pulmonary Metastasectomy for Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Hyo-Jun Jang Kwhanmien Kim
구연 077 15F-219 The Potential Role of Hemoperfusion with Polymyxin B Adorption Filter for Immunomodulatory Effect in Canine ECMO Model 정인석 정인석
구연 102 15F-218 A New Innominate Artery Cannulation Technique for Selective Regional Cerebral Perfusion in Aortic Arch Surgery in Infants 김형태 성시찬
구연 058 15F-217 Right Ventricle-to-pulmonary Artery Shunt in Pulmonary Atresia with Ventricular Septal Defect ; a Word of Caution Kwang Ho Choi Si Chan Sung
구연 108 15F-216 Branch Pulmonary Artery Peel Operation in Redo Congenital Cardiac Surgeries 김형태 성시찬
구연 025 15F-215 No-touch Saphenous Vein Composite Grafts for Coronary Artery Bypass; Early Outcomes and 1-year Angiographic Results 김기봉 김기봉
구연 057 15F-214 Factors Associated with Rapid Progression of Right Ventricular Enlargement after Repair of Tetralogy of Fallot Based on Serial Magnetic Resonance Imaging 신유림 박한기
포스터 23 15F-212 The Usefulness of Wi-fi Based Digital Chest Drainage System in the Post-Operative care of Pneumothorax 황정주 황정주
15F-211 임파선 전이가 없는 5cm 초과 원발성 폐암의 특징과 재발 요인 분석 신경욱 조석기
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