초록접수 현황

검색결과 266
발표번호 접수번호 초록제목 발표자 책임저자
15F-017 Polymorphisms in Epithelial-mesenchymal Transition-related Genes and the Survival of Korean Patients with Surgically Resected Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Yangki Seok Eungbae Lee
F 22 15F-016 Complete VATS (Video Assisted Thoracic Surgery)를 시행한 원발성 폐암 환자의 수술 후 통증 관리에서 IV PCA (Patient Controlled Analgesia)와 On-Q pump의 효과와 부작용에 대한 비교 정준호 박성용
구연 105 15F-015 The Surgical Results of Monocusp Implantation with TAP in TOF Repair. Woo Sung Jang Joon Yong Cho
15F-014 Reimplantation of Left Superior Pulmonary Vein after Thoracoscopic Left Lower Lobectomy Yangki Seok Eungbae Lee
포스터 24 15F-013 MIPO(Mimimal Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis)를 이용한 늑골골절의 수술 치험 황정주 황정주
포스터 07 15F-012 Minimally Invasive David Operation Through the Upper Partial Sternotomy 김재현 김재현
구연 015 15F-011 Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy환자에서 Extended Septal Myectomy의 조기결과 김욱성 김욱성
E 13 15F-010 Minimally Invasive Repair of Pectus Carinatum: for Difficult to Bracing Therapy Jee-Won Suh Sungsoo Lee
포스터 12 15F-009 Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair in a Patient with Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery and Chronic Aortic Dissection 송경섭 김재현
구연 029 15F-008 Changes in Aortic Diameter Over Time in the Enlarged Ascending Aorta: Echocardiographic Follow-up of 1439 Individuals Joon Bum Kim Joon Bum Kim
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