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검색결과 266
발표번호 접수번호 초록제목 발표자 책임저자
구연 069 15F-028 Comparison of the Clinical Results of Catheter Directed Thrombectomy in Iliac Vein Thrombosis According to Whether Patients have May-Thurner Syndrome or Not 김인섭 조원민
15F-026 The clinicopathological and prognostic significance of cancer stem cell markers CD44 and ALDH1 expression in adenocarcinoma of the lung. 박기성 박기성
포스터 30 15F-025 Management of Second Recurrence Extra-abdominal Fibromatosis on Chest Wall 송경섭 금동윤
구연 003 15F-024 Interhospital Transportation can Improve Survival of Patients on Extracorporeal Life Support: Experience of Samsung Medical Center 조양현 조양현
15F-023 Distribution of Stage, Surgical Methods and Prognosis of Lung Adenocarcinoma According to the Initial Diagnostic Patterns. 이은주 전상훈
포스터 18 15F-022 Prognostic Value of SUVmax and Invasive Size Ratio in Stage IA Adenocarcinoma 이은주 조석기
구연 098 15F-021 기흉 환자의 정신적 문제: 다양한 연령대에서 행해진 전향적 연구 김도훈 홍종면
F 35 15F-020 Impact of Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction in Patients with Chronic Severe Aortic Regurgitation Undergoing Aortic Valve Replacement 김영웅 김준범
구연 010 15F-019 Optimization of Intraoperative Pulmonary Neoplasm Identification Using Near-infrared Fluorescence Imaging 김현구 김현구
구연 056 15F-018 Is the T3 Designation Valid in Patients with Centrally Located Non-small Cell Lung Cancer? 전재현 김문수
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