초록접수 현황
검색결과 266건 |
발표번호 | 접수번호 | 초록제목 | 발표자 | 책임저자 |
F 18 | 15F-252 | The Management of Chemical Pleurodesis with Viscum Album in Patients with Persistent Air Leakage | Jae Bum Park | Jae Joon Hwang |
구연 024 | 15F-251 | Emergent Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery in Acute Myocardial Infarction | 박수진 | 임상현 |
F 12 | 15F-250 | 대동맥 판막 보존 수술의 장기 성적 : 재형성술과 재이식술의 결과 비교 | 최재웅 | 안혁 |
15F-249 | 근위부에 위치한 간유리음영결절에 대한 수술 전 Lipiodol의 국소화법을 적용한 흉강경 폐구역절제술의 유용성 | 황유화 | 김영태 | |
15F-248 | Short-term Outcomes of Stage IV Non-small Cell Lung Cancer with Brain Metastasis | Su Kyung Hwang | Hyeong Ryul Kim | |
F 36 | 15F-247 | Outcomes of the Leaflet Extension Technique in Aortic regurgitation: 10 Years Follow-up | 오홍철 | 안혁 |
15F-246 | Long-term Outcome of Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery and Thoracotomy for Pathologic N1, Stage ⅡA Non-small Cell Lung Cancer | Su Kyung Hwang | Hyeong Ryul Kim | |
E 03 | 15F-245 | Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass in Patients with Left Ventricular Dysfunction | 이재홍 | 김기봉 |
15F-244 | The Cardiac Enzymes as a Predictive Value for Perioperative Cardiac-related Events after Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting. | 김관욱 | 윤영남 | |
포스터 26 | 15F-243 | Concomitant Surgical Approach for Bilateral Elastofibroma Dorsi in Prone Position | 안세하 | 문석환 |