초록접수 현황

검색결과 31
발표번호 접수번호 초록제목 발표자 책임저자
포스터 01 15F-044 Development of a 3D Printing Elastic Model for Aortic Valve Replacement Surgery Training Kuk Hui Son Kuk Hui Son
포스터 02 15F-046 Bentall Operation in Patient with Unicuspid Aortic Valve 이재훈 이재훈
포스터 03 15F-080 Unclassified Cardiac Sarcoma in the Left Atrium Grossly Mimicking Myxoma and Clinically Presenting Acute Heart Failure 노선균 노선균
포스터 04 15F-152 Classic Peripheral Signs of Subacute Bacterial Endocarditis Yooyoung Chong Myung Hoon Na
포스터 05 15F-189 감염성 심내막염으로 오인된 인공 판막 퇴화로 인한 심장 마비 류세민 류세민
포스터 06 15F-195 Comparison between Mitral Valve Folding and Triangular Resection Technique; Early Clinical Results. 박종명 제형곤
포스터 07 15F-012 Minimally Invasive David Operation Through the Upper Partial Sternotomy 김재현 김재현
포스터 08 15F-183 개심술 후 Neutrophil Gelatinase-associated Lipocalin을 이용한 급성 신장 손상의 진단적 효과 분석 김희중 손호성
포스터 09 15F-055 Successful Rescue of the Ruptured Chronic B Dissecting Aneurysm After Endovascular Stentgraft with Carotid Artery Graft Cannulation So Young Lee Chul Hyun Park
포스터 10 15F-119 Surgical Repair of Type A Aortic Dissection after Cardiac Arrest 최국빈 강준규
포스터 11 15F-264 Aorto-mediastinal Fistula after Aortic and Mitral Valve Replacement 조상호 곽영태
포스터 12 15F-009 Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair in a Patient with Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery and Chronic Aortic Dissection 송경섭 김재현
포스터 13 15F-042 Percutaneous Endovascular Repair of Middle Aortic Syndrome 김정택 김정택
포스터 14 15F-146 말초동맥 질환의 하이브리드 술식 증례 박성민 박성민
포스터 15 15F-004 The Placement of Totally Implantable Venous Access Devices with Percutaneous Landmark-guided Access with Fluoroscopy-guided Positioning of Catheter: A Retrospective Analysis of 1200 Cases in a Center. Pil Je Kang Pil Je Kang
포스터 16 15F-040 Giant Aneurysm of a Brachiocephalic Arterio-venous Fistula Complicated with Venous Thrombosis 김수완 김수완
포스터 17 15F-126 Comparison of Stiffness and Anterior Translation in Reconstructed Sternoclavicular Joints Treated for Dislocation with Different Surgical Techniques: A Cadeveric Study 박일환 박일환
포스터 18 15F-022 Prognostic Value of SUVmax and Invasive Size Ratio in Stage IA Adenocarcinoma 이은주 조석기
포스터 19 15F-029 Double Sleeve Lobectomy with Pulmonary Artery Reconstruction with Autologous Pulmonary Vein Conduit Interposition for Centrally Located Squamous Cell Carcinoma 문현종 문현종
포스터 20 15F-054 Prognosis of Lung Cancer Patients Diagnosed with National Health Surveillance 변천성 박일환
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