초록접수 현황
검색결과 8건 |
발표번호 | 접수번호 | 초록제목 | 발표자 | 책임저자 |
E 01 | 15F-147 | CABG First Or PCI First : Which is Better in Two-staged Hybrid Coronary Revascularization? | 최항준 | 강준규 |
E 02 | 15F-007 | Effects of Preemptive Cerebrospinal Fluid Drainage and Left Subclavian Artery Revascularization on Spinal Cord Protection during Thoracic Endovascular Aortic Repair | 송승준 | 송석원 |
E 03 | 15F-245 | Off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass in Patients with Left Ventricular Dysfunction | 이재홍 | 김기봉 |
E 04 | 15F-261 | Tracheostomy after Cardiovascular Surgery: Conventional Tracheostomy Versus Percutaneous Dilatational Tracheostomy | 이재홍 | 김기봉 |
E 05 | 15F-048 | Reopertaive Aortic Root Replacement in Patients with Previous Aortic Root Procedures | 정병권 | 김준범 |
E 06 | 15F-253 | 성인심장질환자에서 Del Nido 심정지액 사용의 초기 경험: 혈액성 심정지액과의 비교연구 | 김지성 | 황호영 |
E 07 | 15F-256 | Surgical Outcomes of Cardiac Myxoma: Right Mini-thoracotomy Approach Versus Median Sternotomy Approach | 이한필 | 정성호 |
E 08 | 15F-257 | Surgical Outcome of Atrial Septal Defect Closure Concomitant with Tricuspid Regurgitation | 김홍래 | 정성호 |