초록접수 현황
검색결과 5건 |
발표번호 | 접수번호 | 초록제목 | 발표자 | 책임저자 |
구연 087 | 15F-208 | Comparison of Postoperative Prognosis between Solid and Part-solid Node-Negative Lung Adenocarcinoma with Invasive Component Size Less than 20mm | Kyung Wook Shin | Sukki Cho |
구연 088 | 15F-266 | Stage IIIA-N2 비소세포폐암 환자에서 선행 동시항암방사선 치료후 시행한 소매절제술의 임상 양상 분석 | 김종덕 | 김진국 |
구연 089 | 15F-260 | Analysis of Recurrence Pattern after Curative Lung Cancer Surgery in Perspective of Follow-up Surveillance | 김응래 | 박인규 |
구연 090 | 15F-033 | Recurrence Risk Factors for Early Stage Lung Adenocarcinoma Treated with Limited Resections. | 이은주 | 김관민 |
구연 091 | 15F-045 | The Clinical Implication of Paired-like Homeodomain Transcription factor 2 (PITX2) Expression in the Adenocarcinoma of the Lung | Sang Won Hwang | Sang Won Hwang |